An Addams Family Inspired Original Photoshoot

I continue to be enamored with off camera flash. It is like discovering how my eyes work all over again. Being able to obtain photo-studio quality results outdoors, in any lighting conditions, using just two speed-lights (not even strobes) – is something that I am moving closer and closer to. The first image of this series, in particular, exemplifies this ambition.

Before I ramble more about light, allow me to credit the models for this shoot. Moritica was played by Kendehl and Wednesday was a familiar face, Kelsey.

Steven Perdikis Photography - Adelaide Portraits, Weddings and Fine Art Photographer

Here, I created a light trap, with a speed light mounted behind a shoot through umbrella on either side of the subjects. Minimal post processing was done on this image, with a bit of sharpening and a touch of light shaping. I like hte sinister, other worldly look of hte lighting, particularly to the left of frame.

Steven Perdikis Photography - Adelaide Portraits, Weddings and Fine Art Photographer